- downshifting
- переключение вниз, на легкие передачи
English-Russian bicycle dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian bicycle dictionary. 2014.
Downshifting — is a social behavior or trend in which individuals live simpler lives to escape from the rat race of obsessive materialism and to reduce the “stress, overtime, and psychological expense that may accompany it.”[1] It emphasizes finding an improved … Wikipedia
Downshifting — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Reducción de marcha es un comportamiento social o tendencia en la que los individuos viven vidas más simples para escapar de la carrera de ratas del materialismo obsesivo y reducir la tensión, stress y los… … Wikipedia Español
downshifting — downshift down‧shift [ˈdaʊnʆɪft] verb [intransitive] JOBS if someone downshifts, they willingly choose to do a less important, difficult, or stressful job, so that they are under less pressure and have more time to enjoy their life downshifting… … Financial and business terms
downshifting — {{#}}{{LM D46106}}{{〓}} {{[}}downshifting{{]}} {{■}}(ing.){{□}} {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} Estilo o modo de comportamiento que consiste en mejorar la calidad de vida dando menos prioridad al trabajo y viviendo de una manera más simple: • Decidió practicar… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
Downshifting — Einfaches Leben (Simple living), auch Freiwillige Einfachheit (Voluntary Simplicity), oder Downshifting genannt, bezeichnet einen Lebensstil, der sich als Alternative zur konsumorientierten Überflussgesellschaft sieht. Seine Anhänger versuchen,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Downshifting — The act of reducing one s standard of living for an improved quality of life. Downshifting assumes a tradeoff between standard of living, such as level of wealth, and quality of life, which relates to well being. People who downshift are looking… … Investment dictionary
Downshifting — … Википедия
downshifting — noun A social trend towards living a simpler, less ambitious life with a better work life balance … Wiktionary
Downshifting — Down|shif|ting [ da̮unʃɪftɪŋ ], das; s, s <Pl. selten> [zu amerik. to downshift = herunterschalten, zurückschalten, zu: shift = Schaltung] (bildungsspr.): das Downshiften … Universal-Lexikon
Downshifting — Down|shif|ting , das; s, s Plural selten … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
downshifting — Manually shifting to a lower gear in order to use the engine compression to assist in reducing the vehicle s speed. Also called downgearing … Dictionary of automotive terms